Comments on: The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga Sun, 13 Mar 2016 08:24:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Sun, 13 Mar 2016 08:24:48 +0000 Thanks

By: Shankara Sun, 02 Dec 2012 18:12:18 +0000 What holds for Yoga also holds for Samkhya – the Sutras might be much later (belonging to Sutra period) while the subject itself is clearly older. In the Sutra-Bhashya-Vartika-Karika system, that is well known and is available for most of the Sastras, Karika happens to be the last.

Secondly I believe that Yoga and Samkhya as Sastras were somewhat tailored (though not modified) into the Darsana framework with the advent of Sutras. In a way the Hiranyagarbha or pre-Patanjali could be aptly called the Yoga Sastra while with Patanjali it became a Darsana. It could be something similar to the way Srauta ritual and analysis system always existed but looked more as a Darsana after the development of Srauta Sutras, Mimamsa Sutras and the Bhashya-Vartika.
