Comments on: The Epic 27 Year War That Saved Hinduism Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:38:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sachin Tikke Mon, 26 Dec 2016 16:53:41 +0000 Yes he was Real Maratha king of India.. We Salute to Chhatrapati SHIVAJI MAHARAJ & Chhatrapati SAMBHAJI MAHARAJ

By: mpj Mon, 26 Dec 2016 16:36:08 +0000 Folkks, be very careful about comments like ‘Ghanta Telgu’
Anti-Hindu, anti-India trolls from Pakistan and from within India play this game on various sites.
They love watching Hindus fight amongst themselves.

By: The Epic 27 Year War That Saved Hinduism In Indian Subcontinent – Internet HINDU Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:30:48 +0000 […] Source – hinduhistory […]

By: Anonymous Wed, 23 Nov 2016 07:24:04 +0000 In reply to abhaysinh.

Friend, tell me one thing… he died at the age of 31.

How come he faugt over 2000 battles… are slapping friends and yougers included snd coubted as battles.

Killing insects when he was toddler are also included?

Keeping myself anonymous, fearing someone doesnt come, kill me, and add into Shambhaji’s battles

By: vivekanand patil Wed, 26 Oct 2016 08:14:32 +0000 In reply to vivekanand patil.

I’ m proud of my cast .
I’m proud to called Mard Maratha….
It is not casteism
I respect all cast’s…..

By: vivekanand patil Wed, 26 Oct 2016 08:10:00 +0000 Jagadamb jagadamb….
Jai Hindu rashtra
Jai hind
Jai bhavani
Jai shivaji
Jai shivputra sambhaji
Shivaji raje not a god but,due to raje god is there in temples….

By: Karthikeyan Chidambaram Sat, 20 Aug 2016 14:49:36 +0000 In reply to R V S Sai.

Not exactly.

Mughals were not all vagabonds like Lord Clive is allegedly.

But yes they played their part in undermining the local culture to some extent which was already initiated by other immigrants from Central Asia before them. It is said that nothing pre-Mughal in architecture survives today in Mughal ruled Northern India (UP region especially).

Thanks to Marathas, today Maharashtra has its own culture intact instead of the composite culture, though to a large extent Marathi language was itself influenced directly by Persian.

Jai Maharashtra,
Jai Shivaji,
Jai Bhim,
Jai Hind.

By: R V S Sai Tue, 16 Aug 2016 13:05:37 +0000 Pranams to Maharaj Sri Chhatrapathi Shivaji and his glorious successors! The mughals seem to be antisocial elements in their native country in Samarqand for which they might have been expelled from there. They came as refugees to India. However the dirty mughals had hardly any time to practise their faith in the peace and calm of Bharat varsha as they were unlikely of any spiritual bent. They should be grateful to the people of Bharat varsha for giving them shelter when they were kicked and thrown out of their home country in central Asia. However they bit the hand that fed them. The mughals from central Asia are a gang of goondas, rowdies, terrorists. They don’t understand the responsibilities and duties of refugees.
All the time the terrorist mughals were killing the native people of this country and destroying the indigenous culture and traditions. They were also fighting amongst each other all the time blood thirsty for power and arrogance. They were fighting against their own close blood relations. This is the history and culture of a band of terrorists and anti social elements called mughals who descended on Bharat like locusts from central Asia. The chapter of the mughals should be deleted from Indian history. Terrorists of foreign origin should find no place in this country including history. They should be consigned to garbage after the glorious Maratha warriors dismantled the illegitimate and terrorist establishment of the mughal rowdies and goons.
Hari Om!

By: patil Thu, 04 Aug 2016 17:05:38 +0000 Please stop blaming sambhaji maharaj history throughly then comment.

By: honey singh Wed, 27 Jul 2016 09:10:17 +0000 In reply to Sanjay Singh.

mr. sanjay singh
just one comment for you is
that little knowledge is always dangerous……
