Posts Tagged ‘vedas’
Sri Aurobindo : The Great Hindu Mystic and Visionary
“The will of a single hero can breathe courage into the hearts of a million cowards “ Sri Aurobindo was one of the greatest philosophers, revolutionary ,mystics and visionaries of modern history. He was a major leader in In...
Sri Ramana Maharshi : The Sage of Arunachala
India is an amazing country and unique in several aspects. For example, in every age great spiritual personalities appear who are aware of their true nature and act as guides to the truth. One such outstanding personality in re...
The Arya Samaj and Vedic Monotheism
Is there a Vedic monotheism? The occasion for this paper on monotheism and its presence or absence in Hinduism is an upsurge in the Arya Samaj’s long-standing campaign to convince Hindus of the superiority and Vedic basis o...
Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics
There is a legend about a magic tree, kalpataru, that fulfills all wishes. Indian civilization is this tree of riches and wisdom. Kings and emperors sought to conquer India for its material wealth; the campaign of Alexander, th...
Speed of Light discovery by Vedic Scholar Sayana
Imagine that archaeologists, digging a thousand year old virgin site in Antarctica, come across an inscription deep underground that shows the sun, and next to it the numbers 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. What w...
Masters of Language
The events of September 11 remind us how words can convert ordinary people into mass murderers. But there are good words and bad words. Here we speak of three people whose words have done a lot of good for more than two thousan...
The Vedic Yoga and Yoga as a Whole
Yoga in this broader sense as spiritual practice has five basic types. 1) Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of Knowledge, using meditation for Self-realization 2) Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion, seeking union with God...
The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga
The traditional founder of Yoga Darshana or the ‘Yoga system of philosophy’ – which the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali represents – is usually said to be Hiranyagarbha. It is nowhere in classical Yoga literature said to be Pa...
The Four Vedas
The Vedas present the broader system of Self and cosmic knowledge of which yoga and Ayurveda are specific manifestations. Both Ayurveda and yoga arose as Vedic schools, taught by lineages of Vedic seers, projecting Vedic knowle...
Ayurveda and Vedas/ Upavedas
Ayurveda and Vedas/ Upavedas The Upavedas supplement the Vedas with more specific applications of Vedic teachings into the cultural field. Ayurveda arose as a secondary Veda or Upaveda generally connected with the Atharva Veda....