Posts Tagged ‘hindu warrior’

Death of the Kshatriya
These day modern day Hindus have turned the Kshatriya Dharma to fight intellectual battles, In hope that miraculously word drones are going to win wars.- HH editor ) ‘Buddhism with its exaggerated emphasis on quiescence &...

A Heroic Death that Changed the Course of Indian History
After the death of the great king Shivaji in 1680 the nascent Maratha kingdom faced a great challenge. The Moghul Emperor Aurungzeb had been confounded and defeated by the repeated battles with the Marathas and the high spirit ...

Mahadji Sindhia: Life and Times of a Dharmic Warrior
Amidst the fading light the bursts of gunfire and piles of the dead and dying a young man lay dying. Or at least he thought he was dying amidst the wreck of humanity with nearly sixty thousand warriors slain around him. The fie...