Posts Tagged ‘christian missionaries’

Video : British Colonialism : Christian Missionaries, Racism, Eugenics and Genocide
The 19th century generated a number of outlandish and disturbing theories of the scientific hierarchy which was a applied to all human beings, now largely discarded these were used to justify both the British raj and the catast...

Swami Vivekananda’s Encounters with Christian Missionaries
Vivekananda not only carried the message of Hinduism to the USA and Europe during his two trips from 1893 to 1897 and from 1899 to 1900, he also turned the tide against Christianity in India so far as educated, upper class Hind...

Origins of Anti-Brahminism
The true prophets of the anti-Brahmin message were no doubt the Christian missionaries. In the sixteenth century, Francis Xavier wrote that Hindus were under the spell of the Brahmanas, who were in league with evil spirits, and...