Comments on: Prolaya Vema Reddy : Rise of the Warrior King Tue, 05 Apr 2016 10:24:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raju bhai Tue, 05 Apr 2016 10:24:44 +0000 great Article. One small correction.

They were forced into the defensive as the army of Islam mounted a massive encirclement attack on the fort of Rajamahendravaram. They held out for 6 months

in the above sentence it is not fort of Rajamahendravaram, it is Orugallu fort (Warangal fort).

By: pappu rao Mon, 04 Aug 2014 07:33:01 +0000 Reddy name dates back to 6 – 9 century most of the them dominated in military of ancient kingdoms and reddys have small kingdoms in between 9 – 13 century and there are many reddy chieftians in Kakatiya kingdom before the big reddy kingdom of Prolaya Vema Reddy from 1325 – 1448 and reddy have matrimonial relationships with Kshatriya’s of andhra pradesh and sir can you please shed some light on their arrogant and egoist behavior of reddy people and fall of many kingdoms in andhra pradesh.

By: Summit Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:32:43 +0000 I am amazed to see that you have taken this initiative to pay a homage to our great forefather who sacrificed their lives for us. Thank You for bringing such valuable information upfront as no one talks about them now and so called seculars are just being in love with other except Sanatan Dharm.

Thanks again.

Best Wishes
A Hindu

By: Rudra Sun, 11 May 2014 00:51:14 +0000 Over all good article. Just few points.

Kondapalli is in Seemandhra and Reddy dynasty rule was primarily in coastal Andhra, so to only mention Telangana throughout is not completely accurate–all were Telugus only. Telangana the soon-to-be state is one of 3regions within old Andhra desa. The Kakatiyas were ruling all of Andhra desa at time of Delhi invasions. Also, Delhi army had been defeated few years prior at Upparapalli, in now Telangana region. Took them 5 wars to end rule of Prataparudra.
