Sacred Weapons | Hindu History Sat, 20 Feb 2021 01:27:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Video : Ancient Hindu Warrior Mace Training Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:07:31 +0000 The fiercest warriors Alexandra the Great  faced in all his campaigns were up against Hindu mace warriors Looking for a new workout? How about one that was used by Hindu warriors over 2,000 years ago and still used by Pehlwani wrestlers today? The gada, or heavy mace, was the weapon of choice of Hindu soldiers as […]

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The fiercest warriors Alexandra the Great  faced in all his campaigns were up against Hindu mace warriors

Looking for a new workout? How about one that was used by Hindu warriors over 2,000 years ago and still used by Pehlwani wrestlers today?

The gada, or heavy mace, was the weapon of choice of Hindu soldiers as well as the Hindu deity Hanuman, an who can lift mountains with a single hand. According to the book Encyclopedia of Indian Physical Culture, warriors during the Puranic age would engage in mace training early in the morning along with wrestling, archery, and swordsmanship. Besides dueling one another with gadas, warriors would swing heavier versions — usually made with a bamboo stick with a heavy stone at one end — behind their backs in order to strengthen their backs, chests, shoulders, forearms, and fingers. Because of their rigorous physical and tactical training, Hindu warriors were some of the fiercest of the ancient world.

Today, the gada is used primarily by Pehlwani wrestlers in northern India and southern Pakistan. The most famous gada afficionado was the Great Gama ), the only undefeated Pehlwani wrestler in history. By the looks of it, his mustache also trained with a gada. That thing is a beast!

While the Indian Club enjoyed popular use among Western exercise enthusiasts as early as the 19th century, gada training for some reason didn’t catch on until very recently. Mixed martial artists in the West have taken up heavy mace training as a way to strengthen the muscles involved with throwing opponents to the mat. Functional fitness and natural movement practitioners have also taken to mace training because it provides such an amazing full-body workout.

If you’re ready to harness your inner Hindu warrior, read on. BelowMr. Know Your Lifts showcases six different exercises that you can perform with a heavy mace.

Mace Grip Basics

mace workout how to grip basics

To make an exercise harder, grip both hands near the end of the handle. To make exercises easier, move at least one hand closer to the weighted end.


steel mace 360 workout how to diagram illustration

The 360 has been used by Hindu warriors and Pehlwani wrestlers for ages. It works the shoulders, chest, back, and forearms. Begin by holding the mace directly in front of you with your hands gripped closely together at the end of the handle. If your left hand is above your right hand, you’re going to push the mace ball over your right shoulder. The mace ball should swing behind your back. When it reaches your left shoulder, pull the mace over your left shoulder so that the mace is once again directly in front of you. Repeat several times. Switch up your hands so that your right hand is above your left, and push the mace ball over your left shoulder. Repeat swinging the mace in this direction several times.

To see this exercise in action, check out this video of Diesel Crew’s Jedd Johnson performing the 360.

Barbarian Squat

steel mace barbarian squat workout how to diagram illustration

The Barbarian Squat is a great full-body exercise. You’re working your upper as well as your lower body in a single movement. Begin in a standing position with the mace behind your neck. Start lowering your body into a squatting position while simultaneously bringing the mace to the front. You’ve successfully completed the exercise if you’re in a full squat and the mace is in front of you. Return to your starting position by standing while simultaneously bringing the mace back to its original position. Repeat.

Dynamic Curl

steel mace curl workout how to diagram illustration

The Dynamic Curl works the forearms and biceps.

Hold the mace with a mixed grip — one hand overhand and one underhand — with the hand near the mace ball-end holding the handle with an underhand grip. Lift the ball end with the hand closest to the mace ball. When the ball reaches the middle of the arc, switch your hands up by sliding the hand that was near the ball down towards the end of the handle and bringing the hand that was near the handle up closer to the ball end. When you’ve finished, the ball end should be on your other side and your mixed grip should be reversed — the hand that was originally overhand should be underhand; the hand that was originally underhand should now be overhand. Swing the mace back and forth like this for several repetitions.

Spear Stab

steel mace spear stab workout how to diagram illustration

Hold the mace like you would a spear. Thrust as if you were an ancient Pauravaian warrior stabbing an a member of Alexander the Great’s Macedonian army in the Battle of the Hydaspes River. The closer both hands are to the handle, the more difficult this exercise will be. Switch up your hands and your stance to work the other side of your body.

Grave Digger

steel mace grave digger workout how to diagram illustration

It’s time to bury all those imaginary Macedonian soldiers you just killed. Hold the mace like you would a shovel and pretend like you’re digging a hole in the ground with the mace ball. Repeat for several repetitions. Switch up your hands to work the other side of your body.

Splitting Wood

steel mace 360 splitting wood how to diagram illustration

You’ll need a tire for this one. Just pretend like you’re splitting wood like a lumberjack. Start off with your non-dominant hand near the butt of the handle and your dominant hand placed near the mace’s head. Bring the mace head above your head. Swing down. As you swing, slide your dominant hand down the shaft of the mace for extra power. Switch up your hand placement to work the different sides of your body. Art of Manliness

Illustrations by Ted Slampyak


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Video : Indian Clubs | Training at Suria Akhara Wed, 09 Aug 2017 08:27:06 +0000 Training at Suria Akhara This video is a collection of training footage recorded at Suria Akhara, Varanasi, India. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone Training at Suria Akhara for allowing me to record this video footage during your training. Most of the video was recorded early in the morning, the temperature on […]

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Training at Suria Akhara

This video is a collection of training footage recorded at Suria Akhara, Varanasi, India.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone Training at Suria Akhara for allowing me to record this video footage during your training. Most of the video was recorded early in the morning, the temperature on the day was between 28 and 30 degrees celsius, with very high humidity at around 80%, in other words, stinking hot.

Training at Suria Akhara 12
Suria Akhara
Suria Akhara – Varanasi – India

The visit to Suria Akhara started as a passenger on the back of a motorbike, weaving through the tiny streets and alleyways of Varanasi.  On arrival we had to squeeze past a cow tethered to a wall before walking through the gates, I have to say that I would have never have found this place without the local knowledge of my guide Prakash Sahani who had arranged for the members of Suria Akhara to put on a display of traditional exercises.


All the members of the akhara were dressed in the traditional cotton nagota, the colour predominately red in honour of the God of strength Hanuman.  It has to be said that some previous visitors have laughed on seeing the nagota,  which is to my mind very disrespectful considering that this is the customary and traditional dress code inside the confines of the akhara.  It goes without saying that it is also customary to remove your shoes on entry, luckily Prakash had warned me and I arrived wearing sandals that could be removed easily.  The beaten earth inside the akhara has a very nice feel to it.


The training was already in progress as we arrived, so on asking Prakash to take photographs I switched my video camera on and began filming.  The workouts consisted of gada, hand nal, head nal, dumbbells and jodi clubs.  Followed by a display of body weight exercises.  Finally I had a quick tour around the buildings a was shown the ceremonial jori clubs that are used during jori competitions and festivals.

Best Training Footage

The following videos contain some of the best training footage I recorded in Varanasi, and has inspired me to return next year for the Cobra festival, which features the swinging of the ceremonial jori clubs mentioned earlier.  Although I am not a wrestler I do train with clubs and gada mace, and found the events on this day awe inspiring.

This video is about my visit to Suria Akhara in Varanasi. It starts with a quick motorbike drive to the location, which would have been difficult to find without local knowledge. You will see gada-mace swinging, both one and two-handed. Dumbells, heavy Jori Clubs, hand and neck Nal and a selection of traditional body weight exercises.

Highlights from a Dumbell and Gada Competition held during the Gandhi Festival in Varanasi.
The Dumbells are swung in an alternate motion across the front of the body, the arm has to straighten on the downward path before the weight is pulled up.

Indian Jori Clubs at Suria Akhara are large, tall and bulky, the height often reaching mid chest, roughly the same length as a Gada.Have you ever wondered how the JORI Clubs are loaded onto the shoulders?

At  Kaali Baari Akhara
Demonstrations of three Jori Club swing styles, and two Gada swing styles by Gyanshankul Singh.

British Army

It would seem logical that the British Army were impressed on seeing the local Pahlevans training with clubs and gada. By all accounts all the athletes were very well developed, especially in the shoulders and back.

Maybe a creative army physical training instructor modified the Indian Jori Clubs by shortening them to roughly 22″ inches. In doing so they developed a new and very effective training system. The newly created clubs were then put to good use in drilling troops, building upper body strength with particular focus on carrying arms.

Inward Swings good

Many Pahlevans tried swinging Indian Clubs that I had brought with me from Australia, and many performed inward circles without much difficulty, which stands to reason as both Jori and gada are both inward movements. What was surprising was that none of them could swing in an outward movement, no doubt with time and instruction outward swings could have been mastered.

Barbell Press and Squat

Training at Suria Akhara 01



Dumbbell traditional exercise used in competitions


Indian Club try outs, using two pairs of my clubs.
Training at Suria Akhara 03



Gar Nal (stone neck ring)


Parallel Bars

Training at Suria Akhara 06



Rope Climbing







By Paul Taras Wolkowinski

Read the blog:-…



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Weapon Worship in India Wed, 19 Apr 2017 17:15:13 +0000 There is an interesting cultural element of worshipping weapons in India. It is called Shastra Puja or Ayudha Puja, which literally means weapon worship. It takes place during an Indian religious annual festival in September. The celebration is dedicated to the Goddess Durga. During this event, people decorate their weapons with flowers and some religious ornaments […]

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There is an interesting cultural element of worshipping weapons in India. It is called Shastra Puja or Ayudha Puja, which literally means weapon worship. It takes place during an Indian religious annual festival in September. The celebration is dedicated to the Goddess Durga. During this event, people decorate their weapons with flowers and some religious ornaments and pray to them. This is also some sort of an act of gratitude and appreciation of the weapons and the protection they provide.

Earlier, of course, people worshiped the bows, arrows, swords and other weapons of the time. Since the firearms were introduced, gained popularity and pretty much replaced the old types of weapons, they became a part of this ritual. Today this celebration has even widened its meaning and people start to worship any tool which they use to make a living: cars, hand tools, machinery etc.

For some tribes like Kodava people, weapon worshipping is especially important. Weapons had a central role in their culture for centuries. These people are avid proponents of firearm ownership. They educate their children from the very young age to respect the gun and understand the responsibilities and benefits associated with owning a firearm. It is interesting to see an example of an old culture giving so much importance of responsible ownership of firearms and appreciating the role that weapons played during the history of mankind.

Below is a selection of images gathered all over the internet showing the weapon worship ritual in various parts of India.

The Fire Arm Blog


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Video : Acing Silambam in a Saree Sat, 20 Aug 2016 12:42:38 +0000 Most urban, young women today see the saree as a dress for special occasions. Compared to modern attire, the saree is rather restricting and limits one’s movements. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a perfect drape if you are a novice! But this video uploaded by Aishwarya Manivannan on National Handloom Day […]

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Most urban, young women today see the saree as a dress for special occasions. Compared to modern attire, the saree is rather restricting and limits one’s movements. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a perfect drape if you are a novice! But this video uploaded by Aishwarya Manivannan on National Handloom Day (August 7) might just change your mind about the versatility of the six-yard wonder and all that you can do wearing one. Silambam, for starters.

Watch Aishwarya rock the saree while performing this traditional martial art from Tamil Nadu:

‘Silambam’ or ‘Silambattam’ comes from the Tamil words ‘silam’ (hill) and ‘perambu’ (bamboo). The type of bamboo used to perform Silambam comes from the Kurinji hills in South India and the martial art is named after it.

Silambam is so ancient that it finds mention even in Sangam literature such as the ‘Silapathikaram’ and others, dating its origins to as far back as the 2nd century BC.

According to tradition, sage Agastya was on his way to Vellimalai, when he began a discussion on Hindu philosophy with a fellow traveller, an old man, who was really Lord Muruga in disguise. The old man taught the sage kundalini yoga and other techniques of controlling and channelizing energy in the body. Agastya practised these techniques and later compiled the learnings in three palm leaves. The basis for Silambam is said to have come from these compilations.

Other martial arts that are popular in South India, like Kalari payattu, Kuthu Varisai and Vaalveechu, are considered to be offshoots of Silambam.

The Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu has recognized Silambam as a sport and has introduced it in school education.

There are many varieties of Silambam and the ones that are in vogue currently are ‘Por Silambam’ (warfare), ‘Silambattam’ (folk dance) and ‘Potti Silambam’ (sport). Apart from the traditional stick that is used to perform this martial art, practitioners also use weapons like deer horns, spears, swords and small knives.

Silambam is making a come-back these days in cities as a novel way for fitness freaks to get a solid work-out. It’s said to be a great calorie burner that improves blood circulation and heart function, while shaping the body and relieving the mind of stress and fatigue. Saree or yoga pants, traditional or modern, if you’re looking to shed some pounds, Silambam might just be your answer!

The News Minute


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The Gurkha Khukri – A Saga of Snow, Steel, Blood and Sacrifice Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:46:09 +0000 While there are several legends about the origin of this blade called the Khukri, what is know is that origin of this blade lies in Nepal. Some say it was originated from a form of knife first used by the Mallas who came to power in Nepal in the 13th Century. There are some Kukris […]

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While there are several legends about the origin of this blade called the Khukri, what is know is that origin of this blade lies in Nepal. Some say it was originated from a form of knife first used by the Mallas who came to power in Nepal in the 13th Century.

There are some Kukris displayed on the walls of National Museum at Chhauni in Kathmandu which are 500 years old or even more among them one belonged to Drabya Shah, the founder king of the kingdom of Gorkha, in 1627 AD. But the some facts shows that the Kukri’s history is centuries old then this. But other suggest that the Kukri was first used by Kiratis who came to power in Nepal before Lichchhavi age, about 7th Century.

Whatever may be the facts of how and when it was made, Kukri is the national knife of Nepal, originated in ancient times. More than being just a reverted and effective weapon, however, the kukri is also the peaceful all- purpose knife of the hill people of Nepal. It is a versatile working tool and therefore an indispensable possession of almost every household. Moreover, apart from the fact that the kukri symbolizes bravery and valor and is a Nepalese Hindu cultural icon.

One unique thing that makes one swallow his fear is the notch just before the start of the blade. What it really did and still does is to interrupt the blood flow to the handle and to let it drip to the soil so one can maintain grip during battle.

The distinctive indentation serves the practical purpose of preventing blood running down handle but also has a religious significance as at Dashain, the Hindu religious festival, a ceremonial version of the kukri, (a konra) is used to sever the head of an animal in one blow. A clean cut signifies good luck and wellbeing for those attending the ceremony.

Made by the Nepalese Kami clan of blacksmiths, an average kukri is 14-16 inches in length with a steel blade and a wooden, bone or metal curved handle. Its compact size means less metal is used in its manufacture than a conventional sword.

The sheath of the khukri is usually made with wild buffalo skin . Blade is always full tang and is attached to the hilt/handle , which is made with buffalo bone for its ability to be a good insulator of shocks received which laying blows. On the bottom side of the khukhri is carved out the symbol of the Hindu Goddess Kali, the primary deity of Hindus who is invoked during war. The typical Gurkha war cry is “Jai Bhadrakali, Aayoo Gurkhali”.

The symbol in the center of the shealth as shown in the picture represents the Vajra, the weapon of Indra crafted by the bones of the Rishi Dadhichi, and the three smaller circular symbols represent the tridevi – Durga, Saraswati and Lakshmi.


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