Dharmic Warriors Code

The Ideals of the Kshatriya – Warrior

It is clear to Sri Krishna that Arjuna will not be swayed by philosophical considerations alone, and he therefore next turns his attention to the role and highest ideals of the warrior caste, the kshatriya, to which Arjuna belo...

Dharma Himsa Tathaiva Cha – Swami Chinmayananda

Ahimsa paramo dharmaha, dharma himsa tathaiva cha » Non-violence is the greatest dharma, so too is all righteous violence. – Mahabharata Personally, I am no advocate of violence. But violence, too, has its rightful place in...

Death of the Kshatriya

These day modern day Hindus have turned the Kshatriya Dharma to fight intellectual battles, In hope that miraculously word drones are going to win wars.- HH editor ) ‘Buddhism with its exaggerated emphasis on quiescence &...

Who is a Kshatriya ?

 The greatest damage inflicted to India by colonialism was the imposition of its academic indology, specifically engineered to distort the original perfect system of varnas and ashramas into a degrading mechanism based on birt...

The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

Where Brahma (spiritual power) and Kshatra (worldly power) move together, may I know that sacred world where the Gods move together with Agni (the sacred fire). Shukla Yajur Veda 20.25 The ancient Vedic seers provided different...

Bankim Chandra’s Vision

Bankim Chandra brought out the shallowness of modern Indology in two short satirical essays. The poverty of mind at the back of Western scholarship vis-a-vis Hinduism was thus brilliantly portrayed. He also questioned the notio...

The lesson of warrior Arjuna

The third Pandava, as an impetuous warrior, the embodiment of the great indra on earth gave a powerful lesson to his brother Yudhishthira when urged by his wife Yajnaseni. The pith of this lesson is truly one for the kali age, ...