
Did the British save Hindus ?
The idea, however, that the British have wrested the Empire from the Mohamadans is a mistake. The Mohamadans were beaten down — almost everywhere except in Bengal — before the British appeared upon the scene; Bengal they ...

The Worlds Longest ‘Unknown’ War
That audacious armada of the religion of Hijaz – Whose insignia reached every corner of the world Which learnt no obstruction from any fear Which felt no hesitation in Persian Gulf or faltered in the Red Sea Which vali...

The Forgotten Heroes: Hindu soldiers in the First World War
The narration of First World War is that war was predominantly European and was fought exclusively by Europeans. This is quite a long way departure from the truth. Today, while few would remember that Indian Corps won 13,000 me...

The Legacy of the Monotheism in Hindu India
The dialogue which Raja Ram Mohun Roy had started in the third decade of the nineteenth century stopped abruptly with the passing away of Mahatma Gandhi in January 1948. The Hindu leadership or what passed for it in post-indepe...

Video : British Colonialism : Christian Missionaries, Racism, Eugenics and Genocide
The 19th century generated a number of outlandish and disturbing theories of the scientific hierarchy which was a applied to all human beings, now largely discarded these were used to justify both the British raj and the catast...

Video : The Birth of Empire – The East India Company
Dan Snow travels through India in the footsteps of the company that revolutionised the British lifestyle and laid the foundations of today’s global trading systems. 400 years ago British merchants landed on the coast of I...

What if India had turned Islamic ?
Imagine an India where after hundreds of years of dogged resistance the Hindus fail to rise again. Imagine the end of the fourteenth century – a Delhi laid waste by the invasions of Timur and the horrors that lay in his w...

The Gita and the Freedom of India
The struggle against British colonialism marked a period when a huge number of Hindus became free from a very exploitative regime (and although the new regimes in India have eventually turned out just as worse as the British w...

Swami Vivekananda’s Encounters with Christian Missionaries
Vivekananda not only carried the message of Hinduism to the USA and Europe during his two trips from 1893 to 1897 and from 1899 to 1900, he also turned the tide against Christianity in India so far as educated, upper class Hind...

A Pakistani in search of a homeland
In Eurasia Review on 25 December 2012, Khan A. Sufyan published a paper titled: “Pakistan: The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization – Analysis”. In it, he argues that Pakistan is not just the state for South-Asian Musli...